Σύγκριση Λογαριασμών Ενέργειας
Υποβολή Παραπόνων σε Προμηθευτές/Διαχειριστές
Μητρώο Αδειών Παραγωγής ΑΠΕ
Γεωπληροφοριακός Χάρτης ΑΠΕ
Τιμές Ηλεκτρισμού στην Ευρώπη
Αναζήτηση Πληροφοριών Αποφάσεις-Διαβουλεύσεις
Επικοινωνία με τη ΡΑΕ
Συχνές Ερωτήσεις
Παρακολούθηση ενεργειακής αγοράς
Υποστήριξη Καταναλωτών
Στατιστικά δεδομένα
Ενεργειακή Διαιτησία



Frequently asked questions

How can I check which is the cheapest electricity or gas tariff?

In order to easily compare the charges for the commercially available electricity and natural gas rate-products in the Greek retail market, you can use RAAEY’s Price Comparison Tool, at:

  • The Price Comparison Tool was created by RAAEY to offer consumers the opportunity to list and compare, in a clear and comprehendible way, the total cost of charges for the offered energy rate-products, as well as the cost of regulated charges related to energy consumption.
  • For electricity rate-products in particular, you can also see the full list of all currently available tariffs of all Suppliers and the corresponding color markings on RAAEY’s website at:


I am having trouble with some of the charges in my energy bill.

In case you have a problem with the consumption charges, regulated charges, or any other issue related to your bill or the provision of services you receive from the Electricity or Natural Gas Supplier and the respective Distribution Network Operator, you can submit a complaint through the platform: that RAAEY has created for this purpose.

  • On the MyRAE platform you can log in easily and quickly, either through your existing social media accounts or through a simple registration. The complaint you submit to MyRAE is automatically forwarded to the Supplier or Network Operator you address it to, while the system keeps RAAEY informed regarding the details and progress of your request, so that it can intervene if necessary.
  • After the completion of your complaint’s examination process by the company to which you addressed it, and in case you are not satisfied with the solutions provided to you by them, the system offers the option -to household consumers only- to use the Energy Ombudsman services offered free of charge through the ENOMOS (Energy Ombudsman operating System) platform at:
  • ENOMOS is RAAEY’s platform through which Alternative Dispute Resolution services in the energy sector are provided to consumers. The process is managed by a team of experts who undertake the mediation between the consumer and the Energy Provider. All energy intermediation services are provided free of charge to consumers.
  • In order to request mediation services on a matter that concerns you, you must first have filed your complaint with the Supplier or Network Operator through the MyRAE application. If you do not receive a satisfactory response to your request or complaint from the above procedure, you can then proceed to apply for the initiation of the energy mediation services process. These services are offered with the provision that you have not addressed the courts or any other dispute resolution body prior to your application to the ENOMOS platform.


What digital services does RAEWW offer to consumers?

RAAEY has created a network of digital services to inform and empower consumers. These include:


  • Submission of Complaints to Suppliers & Network Operators
  • Energy Ombudsman Service
  • Electricity Supply Tariffs
  • Price Comparison tool for electricity and gas supply tariffs
  • Price Comparison tool electric vehicles charging
  • Electricity Cost Calculator
  • Energy Saving Guide for Buildings
  • Confidential Provision of Information – Whistleblowing


You can find all the digital services offered to consumers by RAAEY on the Digital Services section of our website at:

As an energy consumer for domestic or business use, you have the right to access electricity supply through the nationwide distribution network, anywhere in the country.

The competent authority for the provision of access through this network is the Administrator of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network (HEDNO SA). If your facility is located within the Athens International Airport, the competent authority for the provision of access is the Network Administrator of the Athens International Airport (company AIA SA).

In order to exercise the right of access to electricity supply, it is required:

For accessing electricity supply the following is required:

  • the connection of your property to the distribution network (which, in some cases, may need to be constructed, modified, or simply activated) and
  • the maintenance of a supply contract with an Electricity Supplier of your choice, to start the supply of electricity

If you belong to the category of Small Customers (household consumers as well as non-household consumers with a connection capacity of up to 25 kVA), the obligation to make a supply contract can be met through the ultimate service, in case of the expiration or termination of your previous supply contract, or you cannot re-contract with a Vendor of your choice or choose not to exercise your option.

As a consumer, connected to the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network, your rights and obligations are regulated by the Hellenic Distribution Network Code as well as the Manuals and Instructions relevant to access issues and its implementation.

Ως καταναλωτής φυσικού αερίου για οικιακή ή επαγγελματική χρήση, έχετε δικαίωμα πρόσβασης σε παροχή φυσικού αερίου μέσω του δικτύου διανομής φυσικού αερίου της περιοχής σας. Προς το παρόν, δεν έχει αναπτυχθεί δίκτυο φυσικού αερίου σε όλη τη χώρα, αλλά καταβάλλεται σημαντική προσπάθεια επέκτασής του.
Αρμόδιος φορέας για την παροχή πρόσβασης μέσω του δικτύου είναι ο διαχειριστής του δικτύου διανομής φυσικού αερίου που δραστηριοποιείται στην περιοχή σας.
Για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση σε δίκτυο φυσικού αερίου απαιτείται:
 η ύπαρξη δικτύου διανομής στην περιοχή σας
 η ύπαρξη δικτύου διανομής επί της οδού στην οποία βρίσκεται το ακίνητό σας
 η σύνδεση του ακινήτου σας (δηλαδή η κατασκευή της παροχής και η τοποθέτηση μετρητή) με το δίκτυο διανομής μέσω υπογραφής Σύμβασης Σύνδεσης με τον αρμόδιο διαχειριστή του δικτύου διανομής
 η ενεργοποίηση της σύνδεσή σας μέσω σύναψης Σύμβασης Προμήθειας φυσικού αερίου με προμηθευτή φυσικού αερίου της επιλογής σας προκειμένου να ξεκινήσει η παροχή του φυσικού αερίου
Ως καταναλωτής φυσικού αερίου, τα δικαιώματα και οι υποχρεώσεις σας σχετικά με τη σύνδεση στο δίκτυο διανομής της περιοχής σας ρυθμίζονται ειδικότερα στις διατάξεις του Κώδικα Διαχείρισης Δικτύων Διανομής Φυσικού Αερίου ( ) και στην Πρότυπη Σύμβαση Σύνδεσης του δικτύου διανομής.


Energy Indicators

TWh electricity consumption in the interconnected system in Greece
TWh annual electricity consumption in Europe
km electricity transmission system
km distribution network

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