
Distribution power losses – Power theft

During the distribution of electricity to the final consumers through the electricity distribution networks, part of the electricity is converted into heat in the electricity lines and cables (Copper loss) and part of it is lost in the creation of an electromagnetic field in the network transformers (Iron Loss). In addition, part of the distributed electricity is consumed for the operation of the network equipment, mainly in distribution substations, this loss is usually not measured. Finally, quantities of electricity consumed but not measured due to malfunctions of the electricity meters, power theft or for other reasons, are also calculated in the total network losses. The term “technical losses” is traditionally used for losses that are related to the nature of electricity networks (cooper and iron losses), for the other losses, the term “non-technical losses” is used.

Technical losses depend on several parameters that are mainly related to the design and development of the network (line length, number of transformers, load density, distributed generation), specifications of equipment and components of the network and the network load level in relation to its capacity. Non-technical losses are largely related to power theft.

Energy losses in distribution networks are an important component of the total energy costs incurred by the final consumers. According to the current market design, suppliers bear the cost of the losses and they incorporate it into the final bills of the consumers. The expected energy losses in the distribution networks are calculated using loss factors, which are calculated by the network operators and approved by RAE.

Furthermore, the Hellenic Electricity Distribution System Operation Code provides for:

  • A mechanism that links the regulated revenue of the operator of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution System with the level of the lossesin the network, to provide incentives to the operator to reduce the power losses.
  • The establishment of a modern and effective framework to tackle power theft, in a punitive and deterrent manner, and a more cost-oriented way to use the revenues gained by detected power theft cases, while ensuring transparency and legal certainty for consumers.

This section publishes information on the development and implementation of the regulatory framework for power losses and power theft in the distribution networks.

Power loss factors


Incentives Mechanism to reduce power losses

Power theft:

  • Power theft manual[1]
  • Regulatory framework definition parameters
RAE Decision Topic – Description Gazette
1020/30.11.17 Correcting Decision 237/2017 regarding the revenue distribution methodology from detected power theft cases Β’4496/20.12.17
237/16.3.17 Determination of application parameters of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution System Operation Code in power theft cases Β’1946/7.6.17
  • Annual DEDDIE reports on power thefts

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[1] Σύνδεσμος προς θέση ανάρτησης πληροφορίας στο (βλέπε προτάσεις για ενότητα «Κανονιστικό πλαίσιο»)