The Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY) informs interested parties that the processing of their personal data shall be governed by the terms and conditions laid down under the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the relevant applicable Greek and EU legislation on the protection of personal data, namely, mainly Law 4624/2019 and Law 3471/2006.
Data Processing Controller
The Data Processing Controller is the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY), as the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) has now been renamed under Law 5037/2023, extending its scope to include responsibilities for water services and municipal waste management. Its registered offices are located at: 132, Pireos Street, 118 54, Athens, and its contact details are as follows: Tel.: 210-37.27.400, e-mail:
Data Protection Officer
You may contact the Data Protection Officer of RAAEY for personal data processing issues concerning you via e-mail at:
What personal data is collected about you
- A) In case of sending invitations to participate in events, meetings, etc. organised by RAAEY, we collect the following data: a) name, b) surname, c) gender, d) e-mail address, and e) name of the organisation to which the interested party belongs.
- B) In case the interested party wishes that an entry visa is issued by the competent Greek Consular Authorities, we collect the following data: a) name, b) surname, c) email address, d) gender, e) job position, f) date of birth, g) nationality, h) passport number, i) passport issue date, j) passport expiration date, k) telephone number.
Why is your data collected and based on what legal basis is it processed?
We would like to inform you that the processing of such data by RAAEY is necessary in order a) to write invitation letters to participants, b) to write letters to our consular authorities abroad, so as to facilitate the issuance of visas for participants wishing to take part in RAAEY events.
The lawfulness of processing is based, among others, on Article 6 (1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, since the subject has given their consent to the processing of their personal data for the purposes described above.
How long are your personal data stored?
Personal data collected is kept for 30 days in the app and forever in the docutracks app.
Recipients of personal data
The recipients of your data are:
- Greek Consular Authorities abroad
RAAEY shall not transmit your personal data to any third party and/or organisation.
Technical and organisational data security measures
RAEWW shall take appropriate technical and organisational data security measures to ensure confidentiality, processing and protection of data against accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access and any other form of illicit processing.
What rights do you have as a data subject?
You have the following rights: a) To request to be informed of the categories of your personal data that we keep and process, their origin, the purposes of their processing, the categories of their recipients, the duration of data storage, as well as your relevant rights (right of access); b) To request the correction and/or completion of your personal data, so as to be complete and accurate (right to rectification); c) to request the restriction of processing of your data (right to restriction); d) to request the erasure of your personal data (right to erasure) under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary, or you have withdrawn your consent, or due to the illicit processing of such data; e) to request the transfer of your data to another controller (right to data portability).
Right to lodge a complaint:
You have the right to appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority if you believe that your rights are infringed in any way. On the competencies of the Authority and on the procedure for lodging a complaint, you may consult the Authority’s website ( – My Rights – Lodging a Complaint), where detailed information is available.
The Energy Regulatory Authority recognizes and respects the right to protect the personal data of internet users, in accordance with European Regulation 2016/679 (“Regulation”), Law 4624/2019 and Law 3471/2006. This policy text describes the collection and processing of user data when visiting this Website. The visitor to our Website and/or user of our services must carefully read the terms and conditions for the protection of his personal information stated here.
Identity of the Controller
- Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE), which was established by Law 2773/1999, is an independent regulatory authority in matters of electricity and natural gas, within the meaning of Directives 2009/72/EC and 2009/73/EC. It is the national regulator that controls, regulates and supervises the energy market.. The collection and processing concerns personal data of natural persons that come to the knowledge of RAE, in the context of the exercise of its legally prescribed activities and the provision of services to citizens.
Data Protection Officer
RAE has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Regulation, cooperating with the Personal Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) and being a point of contact with the Authority, as well as with data subjects.
The contact details of the Data Protection Officer are as follows:
Tel.: 210-3727073
What is personal data?
According to the law, it is any information that concerns an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”), such as name, e-mail address, VAT number, etc. Identifiable is defined as a natural person whose identity can be ascertained, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification element, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier (IP address, e-mail, etc. .) or to one or more factors that characterize his physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.
What is personal data processing?
Processing of personal data is any act or series of acts carried out with or without the use of automated means, on personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structure, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, information search, use, transmission to third parties, dissemination, association, combination, restriction, deletion and destruction of personal data.
Categories of personal data collected
When you browse our website, we automatically collect certain information using cookies, i.e. information that allows you to participate in the services offered by RAE and provide a better browsing experience. When visiting and navigating the RAE website, we do not collect any other data, except that the user’s network protocol address and connection data are automatically recorded, through which, however, no identifiable elements of the user’s physical identity are revealed, but these are used exclusively and only for statistical reasons of traffic to our web presentation. We also collect the information you provide yourself by sending an email to service your requests, including your contact information, such as your name, occupation and email address.
Recipients of the data
The personal data of visitors and/or users of our website services are not transmitted to third parties.
Data retention time
The personal data concerning website visitors and/or users of our electronic services are collected and kept for the absolutely necessary time and then deleted.
Legal basis and purpose of personal data processing
The legal basis for processing personal data is article 6 par. 1 item c’ of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation of the controller. The purpose of processing is to access website information and to submit requests and complaints to RAE.
Data Security
What rights you have under the General Regulations
Regarding the protection of your personal data, you have the following rights:
a) right of access, i.e. the right to be informed if personal data concerning you is being processed,
b) right of rectification, i.e. the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data,
c) right to erasure, i.e. the right to request the erasure of personal data concerning you,
d) right to limit the processing when the accuracy of the data is disputed, is illegal or for other reasons,
e) right to portability, i.e. the right to request to receive the data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as to transmit said data to another controller. However, it should be noted that this right may not apply,
f) right to object to the processing of your personal data, unless there are compelling and legitimate reasons for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms.
To exercise your rights, you can contact RAE’s Data Protection Officer by sending an email to:
RAE will make every effort to respond to your request within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request. This deadline can be extended for an additional period of time, if deemed necessary. RAE will inform you in any case of extension of the deadline within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request.
Automated individual decision-making, including profiling
RAE does not use the information you provide us to make any automated decision that may affect you.
Transfer to third countries outside the EU
RAE does not transfer the personal data it collects from the users and visitors of the website to third countries outside the EU. or to an international organization.
Right of termination
According to Regulation 2016/679, you have the right, if you believe that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data are being violated, to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority, which is based in Athens (Kifisias 1-3, T .K. 115 23) and on the phone 2106475600 and fax 2106475628 or at the email address
Για να εξασφαλίσουμε τη σωστή λειτουργία του δικτυακού μας τόπου, μερικές φορές τοποθετούμε μικρά αρχεία δεδομένων στον υπολογιστή σας, τα λεγόμενα «cookies». Οι περισσότεροι μεγάλοι δικτυακοί τόποι κάνουν το ίδιο.
Τι είναι τα cookies;
Τα cookies είναι μικρά αρχεία κειμένου τα οποία ένας δικτυακός τόπος αποθηκεύει στον υπολογιστή σας ή στην κινητή σας συσκευή όταν επισκέπτεστε αυτόν τον δικτυακό τόπο Με τον τρόπο αυτό, ο δικτυακός τόπος θυμάται τις ενέργειές σας και τις προτιμήσεις σας (όπως κωδικός σύνδεσης, γλώσσα, μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς και άλλες προτιμήσεις απεικόνισης) για ένα χρονικό διάστημα, κι έτσι δεν χρειάζεται να εισάγετε τις προτιμήσεις αυτές κάθε φορά που επισκέπτεστε τον δικτυακός τόπος ή φυλλομετράτε τις σελίδες του.
Πως χρησιμοποιούμε τα cookies και διάφορες τεχνολογίες;
Ορισμένες από τις σελίδες μας χρησιμοποιούν cookies για να θυμούνται: τις προτιμήσεις σας όσον αφορά την απεικόνιση, π.χ. φωτεινότητα ή μέγεθος χαρακτήρων αν έχετε ήδη απαντήσει σε αναδυόμενη έρευνα που σας ρωτούσε αν το περιεχόμενο ήταν χρήσιμο ή όχι (για να μην σας τεθεί η ίδια ερώτηση ξανά), τον κωδικό πρόσβασης εισόδου, αν έχετε συμφωνήσει (ή όχι) να χρησιμοποιούμε cookies σ΄ αυτόν τον δικτυακός τόπος. Επίσης, ορισμένα βίντεο ενσωματωμένα στις σελίδες μας χρησιμοποιούν ένα cookie για να συγκεντρώνουν στατιστικά στοιχεία για τον τρόπο με τον οποίο φθάσατε ως το συγκεκριμένο σημείο και για το ποια βίντεο επισκεφτήκατε.
- Μπορεί επίσης να λάβουμε πληροφορίες από τα ενημερωτικά μας δελτία τα οποία αποστέλλονται μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, για να μάθουμε εάν έχετε ανοίξει ή εάν έχετε προωθήσει το ενημερωτικό δελτίο ή εάν έχετε κάνει κλικ σε οποιοδήποτε σημείο του περιεχόμενο του. Η πληροφορία αυτή μας ενημερώνει για την αποτελεσματικότητα των ενημερωτικών δελτίων μας και μας βοηθά να επιβεβαιώσουμε ότι σας αποστέλλουμε τις πληροφορίες τις οποίες θα βρείτε ενδιαφέρουσες.
- Μπορούμε επίσης να λάβουμε πληροφορίες για να σας προωθήσουμε διαφημιστικά μηνύματα που μπορεί να σχετίζονται με εσάς και τα ενδιαφέροντά σας. Οι πληροφορίες μπορούν επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη ρύθμιση της συχνότητας που εμφανίζονται τα διαφημιστικά μηνύματα και να μας βοηθήσουν να ρυθμίσουμε τις διαφημίσεις που λαμβάνετε και να εκτιμήσουμε την αποτελεσματικότητα τους.
- Μπορούμε να λαμβάνουμε πληροφορίες όταν επιλέγετε να συνδεθείτε μέσω κοινωνικών δικτύων μαζικής ενημέρωσης από το προφίλ του λογαριασμού σας συμπεριλαμβανομένων και φωτογραφιών,
- Δημογραφικά δεδομένα, μοναδικά αναγνωριστικά όπως πχ αριθμός τηλεφώνου, στοιχεία ταυτοποίησης κινητών συσκευών για εντοπισμό φυσικής θέσης
- Πληροφορίες για τις προτιμήσεις σας που έχετε στον δικτυακό τόπο μας
- Μπορούμε επίσης να χρησιμοποιούμε ανεξάρτητους παρόχους υπηρεσιών για την υλοποίηση συστημάτων διαφήμισης βάσει ενδιαφερόντων, και απαιτούμε από αυτούς να λαμβάνουν τα κατάλληλα μέτρα για την προστασία των πληροφοριών που χρησιμοποιούν για την παροχή διαδικτυακών διαφημίσεων βάσει συμπεριφοράς για λογαριασμό μας και να μην χρησιμοποιούν αυτές τις πληροφορίες για κανένα άλλο σκοπό.
- Μπορούμε να έχουμε πρόσβαση σε πληροφορίες σχετικά με εσάς από τρίτες πηγές και ηλεκτρονικές πλατφόρμες
- Μπορούμε επίσης να αναθέσουμε σε παρόχους σχετικών υπηρεσιών την εγκατάσταση και χρήση cookies για λογαριασμό της ΡΑAΕY για τους σκοπούς που αναφέρονται παραπάνω.
- Δεν συλλέγουμε ευαίσθητα προσωπικά δεδομένα που σας αφορούν χωρίς τη δική σας συναίνεση. Η ενεργοποίηση αυτών των cookies δεν είναι απαραίτητη για τη λειτουργία του δικτυακού τόπου αλλά, μέσω αυτών θα έχετε δυνατότητες για καλύτερη φυλλομέτρηση. Μπορείτε να διαγράψετε αυτά τα cookies, ή να αποκλείσετε την πρόσβαση σε αυτά, αλλά αν το κάνετε ορισμένα χαρακτηριστικά του δικτυακός τόπος που ίσως να μην λειτουργούν ικανοποιητικά.
Χρησιμοποιούμε άλλα cookies;
Ορισμένες από τις ιστοσελίδες μας ή δευτερεύοντες δικτυακούς τόπους ίσως χρησιμοποιούν επιπλέον ή διαφορετικά cookies από τα προαναφερθέντα. Στην περίπτωση αυτή, θα βρείτε λεπτομέρειες για τα cookies στην αντίστοιχη ενημερωτική σελίδα. Ίσως σας ζητηθεί να συμφωνήσετε στην αποθήκευση αυτών των cookies. Επιπλέον, κάποια από αυτά τα cookies ενδέχεται να τοποθετηθούν στον υπολογιστή σας και να χρησιμοποιηθούν κατόπιν άδειας από τρίτους για διαφημιστικούς σκοπούς. Αυτό συμβαίνει όταν η διαδικτυακή τοποθεσία που επισκέπτεστε περιλαμβάνει περιεχόμενο το οποίο προβάλλεται από κάποιον τρίτο ή όταν κάνετε κλικ στο κουμπί κοινής χρήσης στη διαδικτυακή μας τοποθεσία, και ο υπολογιστής σας λαμβάνει cookies από τον εν λόγω τρίτο. Σε αυτούς τους τρίτους συμπεριλαμβάνονται και πάροχοι υπηρεσιών κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, όπως πχ Google, Linkedin κλπ, που παρέχουν υπηρεσίες τόσο στους χρήστες της διαδικτυακής μας τοποθεσίας όσο και σε εμάς. Αυτά τα cookies επιτρέπουν σε τρίτους να συλλέγουν και να αποθηκεύουν πληροφορίες, όπως προτιμήσεις των χρηστών και σελίδες που επισκέφτηκαν, για διαφημιστικούς σκοπούς ή για τη βελτίωση των υπηρεσιών τους. Σημείωση: εμείς δεν μπορούμε να ελέγξουμε τα cookies τρίτων και, ως εκ τούτου, δεν φέρουμε καμία ευθύνη σχετικά. Επισκεφτείτε τις διαδικτυακές τοποθεσίες των τρίτων για να δείτε τις αντίστοιχες πολιτικές cookies.
Τι cookies χρησιμοποιούνται στην ιστοσελίδα μας:
Cookies | Υπεύθυνος | Περιγραφή | Διάρκεια | Τύπος |
S. | | Χρησιμοποιείται από τη Yahoo για να παρέχει διαφημίσεις, περιεχόμενο ή αναλύσεις | 1 ώρα | λειτουργικό |
COMPASS | | Χωρίς περιγραφή | 1 ώρα | άλλο |
NID | | Μπαίνει από την Google και χρησιμοποιείται για διαφημιστικούς σκοπούς, ώστε να περιορισθούν οι φορές που βλέπει μια διαφήμιση ο χρήστης, για να σιγάσει μη επιθυμητές διαφημίσεις και να μετρήσει την αποτελεσματικότητα διαφημίσεων. | 6 μήνες | Διαφημιστικό |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary | | Καταγράφει τη συγκατάθεση του χρήστη στα cookies στην κατηγορία «απαραίτητα» | 1 έτος | υποχρεωτικό |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional | | Καταγράφει τη συγκατάθεση του χρήστη στα cookies στην κατηγορία «λειτουργικά» | 1 έτος | υποχρεωτικό |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance | | Καταγράφει τη συγκατάθεση του χρήστη στα cookies στην κατηγορία «Απόδοση» | 1 έτος | υποχρεωτικό |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics | | Καταγράφει τη συγκατάθεση του χρήστη στα cookies στην κατηγορία «Αναλυτικά» | 1 έτος | υποχρεωτικό |
yearNecessarycookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisement | | Καταγράφει τη συγκατάθεση του χρήστη στα cookies στην κατηγορία «διαφημίσεις» | 1 έτος | υποχρεωτικό |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-others | | Καταγράφει τη συγκατάθεση του χρήστη στα cookies στην κατηγορία «άλλα» | 1 έτος | υποχρεωτικό |
_fbp | | Εισάγεται από το facebook για να εμφανίζει διαφημίσεις όταν ο χρήστης είτε είναι στο facebook είτε σε άλλη πλατφόρμα που λειτουργεί υπό την πλατφόρμα του facebook | 3 μήνες | Διαφημιστικό |
elementor | | Εισάγεται από το wordpress και επιτρέπει στον κάτοχο της ιστοσελίδας να εφαρμόσει ή να αλλάξει το περιεχόμενο της ιστοσελίδας σε πραγματικό χρόνο. | Ποτέ | Απαραίτητο |
O κατάλογος αυτός θα ενημερώνεται με κάθε αλλαγή στις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρονται στην ιστοσελίδα ή με κάθε εν γένει προσθήκη.
Διαχείριση των Cookies
Μπορείτε να επιτρέψετε/να εμποδίζετε τη λήψη cookies ή να διαγράψετε τα cookies που είναι εγκατεστημένα στον υπολογιστή σας, ρυθμίζοντας τις επιλογές στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης του Internet. Στη περίπτωση που δεν επιτρέπεται η χρήση των cookies στον browser σας είναι πιθανό να μην έχετε πρόσβαση σε ορισμένες από τις υπηρεσίες και η πλοήγηση σας στην ιστοσελίδα μας μπορεί να είναι λιγότερο ικανοποιητική.
1. Controller:
The Energy Regulatory Authority based in Athens, Piraeus Street no. 132, T.K. 11854, tel. 2103727400, and VAT number 099441906, which maintains the website
2. Purpose of processing and legal basis:
RAE uses the video surveillance system (cameras) exclusively for reasons of safety and protection of persons and property. The processing is necessary for the fulfillment of a task performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority assigned to the data controller, (Article 6 par. 1. e GDPR).
3. Analysis of legitimate interests:
Our legal interest consists in the need to protect our site and the goods located in it from illegal acts, such as theft. The same applies to the safety of life, physical integrity, health and property of our staff and third parties who are legally present in the supervised area. Cameras have been placed in the main facilities around the perimeter of the building, stairwell-elevator entrance, internal parking, without focusing on areas where the privacy of the persons whose image is taken may be excessively restricted, including their right to respect of personal data.
4. Recipients:
The guarded material is only accessible by our competent / authorized personnel who are in charge of site security. This material is not transmitted to third parties, with the exception of the following cases:
a) to the competent judicial, prosecutorial and police authorities when it includes information necessary for the investigation of a criminal act, which concerns persons or goods of the data controller,
b) to the competent judicial, prosecutorial and police authorities when they request data, legally, in the exercise of their duties, and
c) to the victim or the perpetrator of a criminal act, when it comes to data that may constitute evidence of the act .
5. Time of observance:
We keep the data for fifteen (15) days, after which it is automatically deleted. In the event that we find an incident during this period, we isolate part of the video and keep it for up to one (1) month more, in order to investigate the incident and initiate legal procedures to defend the legal interests.
6. Rights of data subjects
Data subjects have the following rights:
- Right of access: you have the right to know whether we are processing your image and, if so, to receive a copy of it.
- Right to restriction: you have the right to ask us to restrict the processing, such as not to delete data that you consider necessary to establish, exercise or support legal claims.
- Right to object: you have the right to object to processing.
- Right to deletion: you have the right to request that we delete your data.
You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to the address: or a letter to our postal address or by submitting the request to us in person, at the address of the Energy Regulatory Authority, (Piraeus 132, 118 54, Athens). In order to consider a request related to your image, you will need to tell us approximately when you came into range of the cameras and provide us with an image of you to help us identify your own data and mask the data of third-party imagers . Alternatively, we allow you to come to our premises to show you the images in which you appear. We also point out that the exercise of the right to object or deletion does not imply the immediate deletion of data or the modification of processing. In any case, we will answer you in detail as soon as possible, within the deadlines set by the GDPR.
7. Right to lodge a complaint
If you believe that the processing of your data violates Regulation (EU) 2016/679, you have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority.
The competent supervisory authority for Greece is the Data Protection Authority, Kifisias 1-3, 115 23, Athens,, tel. 2106475600.
The Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) informs that by submitting CVs it processes the personal data included in them and that this processing is governed by the terms and conditions provided for in the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the relevant existing Greek and EU legislation on the protection of personal data, i.e. mainly Law 4624/2019 and Law 3471/2006.
The controller is RAE, which was established by Law 2773/1999 and which is an Independent Regulatory Authority in matters of electricity and natural gas, in the sense of Directives 2009/72/EC and 2009/73/EC. Its registered office is: Piraeus 132, 118 54, Athens and its contact information: Tel.: 210-37.27.400, e-mail:
Data Protection Officer:
You can contact RAE’s data protection officer for personal data processing issues concerning you by e-mail at the e-mail address: RAE, which was established by Law 2773/1999 and which is an Independent Regulatory Authority in matters of electricity and natural gas, within the meaning of Directives 2009/72/EC and 2009/73/EC. Its registered office is: Piraeus 132, 118 54, Athens and its contact information: Tel.: 210-37.27.400, e-mail:
What is the purpose of processing personal data:
The purpose of the processing is to evaluate the qualifications of the persons who submit resumes for consideration of possible recruitment and to communicate with them or to archive the application and the resume for re-evaluation at a later time for the staffing of the same or another job position within the RAE, within always the intended data retention time defined below. This processing is necessary for the examination of the recruitment request and if it does not take place, RAE will not be able to evaluate the CV.
What personal data is collected about you:
We collect the identity and contact data and the education and work experience data mentioned in the CV.
Why is your data collected and on what legal basis is it processed:
We inform you that the legal basis for the processing is the provision of article 6 par. 1 item b’ of Regulation 2016/679, as the processing is necessary for the conclusion of an employment contract of the prospective employee (e.g. internship).
How long your personal data is kept:
The CV data, once an employee is hired, is kept throughout the duration of the employment relationship. The personal data of candidates who will not be hired are kept for a period of twenty-four (24) months after their submission, for the purpose of possible re-evaluation of the application for the same or another suitable job position. After 24 months, they will be destroyed.
Who are the recipients of the personal data:
The recipient of your personal data is RAE. Your personal data is not shared with third party recipients.
Technical and organizational data security measures:
RAE takes appropriate technical and organizational data security measures to ensure their privacy, their processing and their protection from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unlawful processing.
What rights do you have as a data subject:
You have the following rights:
a) Ask to be informed of the categories of your personal data that we keep and process, their origin, the purposes of processing them, the categories of their recipients, the time of their retention as well as your relevant rights (right of access).
b) Request the correction and/or completion of your personal data so that it is complete and accurate (right to correction).
c) Request the restriction of the processing of your data (right to restriction).
d) Object to any further processing of your personal data (right to object).
e) Request the deletion of your personal data (right to be forgotten) under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary, you have withdrawn your consent, the data has been processed unlawfully.
f) Request the transfer of your data to another controller (right to data portability).
These rights can be exercised either by sending a letter to the above address, or by sending an electronic message to the e-mail address:
Right of termination:
You have the right to appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority if you believe that your rights have been violated in any way. For the Authority’s competence and how to submit a complaint, you can visit its website ( – My rights – Submit a complaint) where there is detailed information.
The Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) informs the applicants that the processing of their personal data is governed by the terms and conditions provided for in the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the relevant current Greek and EU legislation on the protection of personal data , that is, mainly of Law 4624/2019 and Law 3471/2006.
The controller is RAE, which was established by Law 2773/1999 and which is an independent regulatory authority in matters of electricity and natural gas, within the meaning of Directives 2009/72/EC and 2009/73/EC. Its registered office is: Piraeus 132, 118 54, Athens and its contact information: Tel.: 210-37.27.400, e-mail:
Data Protection Officer:
You can contact RAE’s data protection officer for personal data processing issues concerning you by e-mail at the e-mail address:
What personal data is collected about you:
We collect your necessary identification data, such as:
a) First name,
b) last name,
c) VAT number of provider,
d) provider number and
e) documents (energy bills, etc.) and what you provide us and specifically relate to the satisfaction of the specific request your.
Why is your data collected and on what legal basis is it processed:
We inform you that the processing of said data is necessary to serve your request/report/complaint and that if you do not provide it, it will not be possible to process it. The legality of the processing is based, among other things, on article 6 par. 1 point e’ of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as the processing is necessary for a purpose of public interest which consists in the supervision of the energy market on behalf of RAE.
How long your personal data is kept:
The data collected through the application is kept for a period of 10 (ten) years.
Who are the recipients of the personal data:
Recipients of your personal data are network operators and electricity and gas service providers.
RAE will not transfer your personal data to a third country, outside the European Economic Area.
Technical and organizational data security measures:
RAE takes appropriate technical and organizational data security measures to ensure their privacy, their processing and their protection from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unlawful processing.
What rights do you have as a data subject:
You have the following rights:
a) Ask to be informed of the categories of your personal data that we keep and process, their origin, the purposes of processing them, the categories of their recipients, the time of their retention as well as your relevant rights (right of access).
b) Request the correction and/or completion of your personal data so that it is complete and accurate (right to correction).
c) Request the restriction of the processing of your data (right to restriction).
d) Object to any further processing of your personal data (right to object).
e) Request the deletion of your personal data (right to be forgotten) under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary, you have withdrawn your consent, the data has been processed unlawfully.
f) Request the transfer of your data to another controller (right to data portability).
These rights can be exercised either by sending a letter to the above address, or by sending an electronic message to the e-mail address:
Right of termination:
You have the right to appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority if you believe that your rights have been violated in any way. For the Authority’s competence and how to submit a complaint, you can visit its website ( – My rights – Submit a complaint) where there is detailed information.
The Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) informs the applicants that the processing of their personal data is governed by the terms and conditions provided for in the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the relevant current Greek and EU legislation on the protection of personal data , that is, mainly of Law 4624/2019 and Law 3471/2006.
The controller is RAE, which was established by Law 2773/1999 and which is an independent regulatory authority in matters of electricity and natural gas, within the meaning of Directives 2009/72/EC and 2009/73/EC. Its registered office is: Piraeus 132, 118 54, Athens and its contact information: Tel.: 210-37.27.400, e-mail:
Data Protection Officer:
You can contact RAE’s data protection officer for personal data processing issues concerning you by e-mail at the e-mail address:
What personal data is collected about you?
We collect your necessary identification data, such as:
a) Name,
b) surname,
c) telephone,
d) email,
e) address and what you provide us and specifically relate to the satisfaction of your specific request.
Why is your data collected and on what legal basis is it processed:
We inform you that the processing of said data is necessary to serve your query/request/complaint and that if you do not provide it, it will not be possible to process it. The legality of the processing is based, among other things, on article 6 par. 1 point e’ of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as the processing is necessary for a purpose of public interest which consists in the supervision of the energy market on behalf of RAE.
How long your personal data is kept:
The data collected through the application is kept for a period of 10 (ten) years.
Who are the recipients of the personal data:
The recipient of your personal data is RAE.
RAE will not transfer your personal data to a third country, outside the European Economic Area.
Technical and organizational data security measures:
RAE takes appropriate technical and organizational data security measures to ensure their privacy, their processing and their protection from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unlawful processing.
What rights do you have as a data subject:
You have the following rights:
a) Ask to be informed of the categories of your personal data that we keep and process, their origin, the purposes of processing them, the categories of their recipients, the time of their retention as well as your relevant rights (right of access).
b) Request the correction and/or completion of your personal data so that it is complete and accurate (right to correction).
c) Request the restriction of the processing of your data (right to restriction).
d) Object to any further processing of your personal data (right to object).
e) Request the deletion of your personal data (right to be forgotten) under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary, you have withdrawn your consent, the data has been processed unlawfully.
f) Request the transfer of your data to another controller (right to data portability).
These rights can be exercised either by sending a letter to the above address, or by sending an electronic message to the e-mail address:
Right of termination:
You have the right to appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority if you believe that your rights have been violated in any way. For the Authority’s competence and how to submit a complaint, you can visit its website ( – My rights – Submit a complaint) where there is detailed information.
The Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) with headquarters at 132 Piraeus Street, 118 54, in Athens, in its capacity as data controller, informs you, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Law 4624 /2019 and the other provisions of the relevant current Greek and EU legislation on the protection of personal data, that its events are videotaped and/or photographs are taken. The video recording and taking of photographs is carried out for the purposes of a) maintaining a record of RAE’s energy events, b) informing the energy market, citizens and consumers (in case it is made public) and c) promoting RAE’s energy activities (on its website Authority and/or on other websites). The legality of the processing is based, among others, on Article 6, paragraph 1, item (e) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), as the processing is necessary for the purpose of public interest which consists in informing the energy market, citizens, consumers, as well as the promotion of RAE’s energy actions.
RAE has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who you can contact at the following e-mail address: or by using the relevant contact form with the DPO, which you can find on the website Recipients of your personal data are RAE, visitors to RAE’s websites, and possibly the media, speakers and participants of each event. In addition, your personal data is sometimes transferred outside the European Union. If you wish to exercise your right to access, correct, delete, restrict or object to the processing of your personal data or your right to data portability, you can contact RAE’s Data Protection Officer at the email address: dpo, or you can send a letter to the above mailing address. Requests submitted using other means of communication will not be accepted. In any case, you have the right to appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority for issues related to the processing of your personal data. For the Authority’s competence and how to submit a complaint, you can visit its website ( → my rights → Submit a complaint), where detailed information is available.
It is noted that the Energy Regulatory Authority is not related and does not bear any responsibility for the videotaping or taking of photographs carried out privately on their behalf by the natural persons who are in the event area.