
LNG terminals

This website features a map showcasing European Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals, providing information on their operation and technical characteristics. Data is collected from reliable sources such as ENTSOG and GIE:ALSI and is presented to support monitoring and understanding of LNG management in Europe.

In the table, data are depicted based on the following status of their availability:

Status (S):

C: Confirmed

E: Estimated

N: Not available

Information Included for Each Terminal:

  • Country: The country where the LNG terminal is located.
  • Operator: The company managing the LNG terminal.
  • Firm Technical Capacity (GWh): The maximum amount of natural gas the terminal can handle under normal conditions.
  • Firm Available Capacity (GWh): The amount of natural gas available for use and not contractually booked.
  • Firm Booked Capacity (GWh): The amount of capacity already booked.
  • Firm Booked Percentage (%): The percentage of total capacity that has been booked.
  • Physical Flow (GWh/d): The daily amount of natural gas flowing from the terminal.
  • Physical Flow Percentage (%): The percentage of the technical capacity used daily for gas flow.
  • Available Quantity (DTMI) (GWh): Unallocated capacity ready for use.
  • Utilization Percentage (%): The ratio of gas flow to technical capacity expressed as a percentage.
  • Declared Total Reference Sendout (DTRS) (GWh/d): The declared maximum daily gas supply rate.
  • Sendout Utilization Percentage (%): The utilization rate of the declared total sendout.
  • Sendout: The amount of gas delivered from the terminal.
  • Inventory: The total amount of natural gas stored at the terminal.


Source Data:

Data sourced from GIE:ALSI and ENTSOG are the following:

  • Firm Available Capacity (in GWh)
  • Firm Booked Capacity (in GWh)
  • Firm Booked Percentage (%)
  • Technical Capacity (in m³ LNG and GWh)
  • Declared Total Reference Sendout (DTRS) (in GWh/d)
  • Sendout
  • Inventory (in m³ LNG and GWh)


Time References:

  • [gd] (gas day): Data refers to the publication day of the chart.
  • [gd-6] (gas day – 6): Data refers to six days prior to publication.


Data Sources:

  • GIE:ALSI: Provides primary data such as stored energy and technical capacity.
  • ENTSOG: Supplies flow and export data.



Data Accuracy

ALSI data is based on estimates, while ENTSOG data consists of provisional values published by LNG terminal operators. The completeness and accuracy of the data displayed on the flow map depend entirely on the availability and reliability of the sources mentioned. Calculations are performed with high precision and rounded to two decimal points.

Data Updates

If source data changes during the day, these changes will be reflected on the map during the next calculation (performed once daily). The service updates data daily for the last 15 gas days, including the most recent day. During updates, all metrics are recalculated based on the latest data. This means that changes to figures for previous days will also adjust derived metrics. Users maintaining a historical record of publications might calculate different values if their archives are not updated with recent changes.