
Natural Gas Flows

The chart displays data on natural gas flows in the European market, including imports, exports, and internal flows between European Union (EU) countries. The data is sourced from ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas) and is based on information provided by Transmission System Operators (TSOs). 

Information Presented: 

Natural Gas Flows (Physical Flow) 

Firm Technical Capacity of Interconnections 

Data Categories: 

“Confirmed”: Verified data. 

“Provisional”: Temporary data that may be updated upon review. 

Time References: 

[gd] (gas day): Data corresponds to the day the chart is published. 

[gd-6] (gas day – 6): Data corresponds to six days prior to the publication. 

Data Sources: 

The analysis is based on the following information provided by ENTSOG: 

Natural Gas Physical Flow 

Firm Technical Capacity of Interconnections. 

Algorithm Functionality: 

The algorithm processes the data to: 

  • Calculate the directions and volumes of flows between European and non-European countries (imports/exports). 
  • Calculate the directions and volumes of flows between EU countries (internal flows). 
  • Compute the total technical capacity of interconnections. 
  • Flag data for review if it cannot be identified accurately. 
  • Attempt to identify flows even if their volumes are zero. 


Data Retrieval: 

Data is fetched through the ENTSOG API from the /operationaldata endpoint ( using filters such as reference time periods and relevant metrics. 



Data Accuracy  

The ALSI data is based on estimates, while ENTSOG data represents provisional values published by LNG terminal operators. The completeness and accuracy of the flow map depend entirely on the availability and reliability of source data. For instance, if ENTSOG provides incomplete or ambiguous information that the algorithm cannot resolve, the respective data will not be displayed. 

Data Updates  

The service updates data daily for the past 15 gas days, including the most recent day. During updates, all metrics are recalculated based on the latest available data. If metrics or values change for previous days, the derived metrics will also change. Users maintaining historical records of published data may encounter discrepancies if their archives are not updated with recent revisions.