Regulatory Framework
The distribution of natural gas, as a monopoly activity, was separated from the supply of natural gas by Law 4336/2015. By law, the companies EDA Attikis, as owner and Operator of the network of the Attica region, EDA Thessaloniki-Thessaly, as owner and Operator of the networks of Thessaloniki and Thessaly (two Operators who merged into one company) and the DEDA, as owner and Operator of the Rest of Greece except for the regions of EDA Attikis and EDA Thessaloniki-Thessaly. Additionally, RAE has granted Natural Gas Distribution Licenses to the company “ILIOCHORA S.A.” for the municipality of Mantoudi-Limni-Agia Anna in Evoia and to the company “HENGAS S.A.” for the municipalities of:
· Deskati (Grevena)
· Peonias (Kilkis)
· Polygyros (Chalkidiki)
· Edessa (Pella)
· Megalopoli & Korinthos (Peloponnese)
The country’s distribution networks, depending on their operating pressure, are divided into the Medium Pressure Network (with a nominal pressure of 19.0 bar) and the Low-Pressure Network (with a nominal pressure of 0.025 – 4.0 bar).
With RAE Decision 589/2013 (Gazette B’ 487/20.07.2017), the Distribution Network Operation Code was issued. The Code regulates the rights and obligations of the Operator of the Distribution Network, the Users of the Distribution Network and the End Customers connected to the Distribution Network, issues related to the operation, maintenance, development, operation of the Distribution Network, as well as the terms and conditions for access of Distribution Users to the Distribution Network and to the services provided by the Network Operator.[1]
The Operator is obliged to provide the Distribution Users and the End Customers, according to the more specific terms and conditions of the Distribution Network Operation Code, the Services of the Basic Distribution Activity in the most economical, transparent and direct way, without discrimination between the Distribution Users or the End Customers.
The Basic Activity of the Operator includes the following:
“Provision of access to use the Distribution Network to Distribution Users, with objective and impartial criteria, without jeopardizing the smooth and safe operation of the Distribution Network, in accordance with the specific provisions of the Code and the relevant legislation
Development (design and construction) of the Distribution Network
Inspection, maintenance, replacement and upgrade of the Distribution Network
Ensuring the security of the Distribution Network, operation and immediate response to emergency situations, crisis management
Consideration of Interior Facilities studies and autopsy in new buildings
Promoting the use of Natural Gas through market methods to develop the Distribution Network and connect new End Customers to the Distribution Network
Development and operation of easy-to-use and secure information systems, for the execution of the Operator’s activities
Management of procedures for changing the Distribution User at a Delivery Point
Meter activation”
The Operator’s expenses for the Distribution services mentioned above are recovered from the Distribution Tariffs according to the methodology specified in the Tariffication Regulation and according to the Operator’s Development Program approved by RAE. The Tariffication Regulation for the Basic Activity of Natural Gas Distribution was issued with RAE Decision 328/2016 and was amended for the 1st time by RAE Decision 421/2021. The Tariffication Regulation regulates the methodology for determining the tariffs of the Basic Distribution Activity, as defined in the Code, and in accordance with the provisions of article 88 of Law 4001/2011.
With RAE Decision 235/2019,[3] the Distribution Network Metering Regulation was approved. The Regulation defines the responsibilities and obligations of Natural Gas Distribution Network Operators and the rights and obligations of Users and End Customers, regarding the measurement or assessment of the delivered quantity and quality parameters of Natural Gas in the Distribution Network, the operation process and control of metering, the dispute resolution process and the rules for reporting and sharing data on metering.
You can see the detailed information about distribution companies here: (note 2)
With RAE Decision 642/2018, the 2nd Amendment of the Distribution Network Operation Code was implemented (Gazette B’ 3334/10.08.2018).